Wednesday 16 August 2017

Wednesday Wisdom

Last week in Charlottesville America white supremacists waved Nazi flags around.
Talking about history repeating itself.
But let's take a look at the Swastika itself. Hitler took it and turned it a bit to make it an evil symbol but it really isn't. It has been a symbol of life and well-being, good excistence as far back as 12.000 years ago even. It's been used by Hindu's as well as Christians and Celts and Nordic tribes. It was never meant for anything but good certainly not which it stands for now.

The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svasti, which means good fortune, luck, and well-being. In Buddhism, the swastika represents the turning of the “Dharma wheel”, and thereby  promotes goodwill, compassion, and generosity to all sentient beings.

Regrettably, Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party borrowed the swastika in the early 1900s, reversed it, and used it as their party emblem during World War II. Not only do the Nazi swastika and the ancient swastika used in Buddhism and Eastern cultures differ in meaning, the Nazi swastika is also slanted, resting on a point, and has right angles bent in a clockwise direction. The traditional swastika lays flat and is counterclockwise.


© KH

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